Wednesday, 5 September 2012

News and Andrew's Mum

Just popping in with a quick update. Pleased to say the campaign's been going brilliantly - as of now we're up to 91 likes on Facebook. Please go here to see all the news. We're also up to 23 items for our auction, and I'm offering a full book critique! Can I ask you again to please have a think about anything you'd like to donate. Go here to look at all the brilliant goodies we've got so far.

Cheesy pic on Brighton Pier
Andrew's sister Hannah has been invited to the first Carers Parliament on October 1st. This is an amazing opportunity as she will get to question the Scottish Parliament about the provision of specialist further education (or lack thereof) in Scotland. Andrew's mum has also submitted an online petition to the Scottish Government, and I'll let you all know when it's available for you to sign!

The local paper are coming to take Andrew's picture on Friday and the story will run next week. We've taken the plunge into Twitter too - please follow us, @NickPWilford and @HeatherWilford. We really want to keep the pressure up and make this a sustained campaign, as that's the only way we'll make a difference.

Andrew's mum has been feeling poorly the last few days, but all the support has pepped her up and I'm glad to say she's on the mend. She's been keeping up with the campaign in between bouts of rest!

Back soon with more updates...


  1. Aloha Nick,

    Put me down for $100 worth of a "Hawaiian Gift Package."

    Whomever wins, I will get with them directly and find out what they want per se... Macadamia Nuts, Kona coffee, etc.

    I'll pay for Shipping to anywhere in the USA, but will need to chat with winner if (s)he is in the UK :)

    GOOD LUCK Andrew... and God Bless :)

  2. How bout a handmade necklace?
    Miss Tech challenged here can't properly set her default e-mail but I'm at Shoot me an email and I'll send a pic. Enjoy the day -Kelly

  3. I can't top Mark's fabulous Macadamia Nuts etc. package. That sounds yummy. And Kelly's handmade necklace is a wonderful contribution. I can offer a paperback of Alligators Overhead, my middle grade novel. Let me know if that's something you'd like to add to the winner's pot.

  4. Mark - That sounds great. Thanks for the support! I've emailed you. :)

    Kelly - Thank you very much. Going to email you now!

    C. Lee - That's very generous, thanks! Any chance you can sign it? I already have one signed book from another writer friend.

  5. Nick, I don't have a whole lot to offer. But I can give a paperback copy of FRACTURED and of SUPERSTITIONS (only have MY LIFE AS A MISFIT in e-book), but you can have one of those, too.

  6. Susan - That would be amazing. Thanks! I'll email you. :)
